Pharmacy Technician Schools and Programs in Wisconsin

Pharmacy TechnicianThe 20th most populous state in the nation, Wisconsin with a population of 5,895,908, has witnessed its healthcare needs rising in the recent years. America's 'Dairyland' has a growing economy, consequently leading to a population requiring access to better medical care. As pharmacy technicians play a key role in the medical field, they are in demand. With a workforce of 8,840 in 2021 they draw an average annual salary of $37,080 in the state. Wisconsin has 9 schools providing pharmacy technician training. To help you take the first step towards a pharmacy technician career, we have ranked the Top 5 ASHP accredited Pharmacy Technician schools in Wisconsin based on our methodology. We have considered factors such as student faculty ratio, graduation rate and affordability to come up with this list.

5 Best ASHP Accredited Pharmacy Technician Schools in Wisconsin for 2024

(Following is a list of schools offering the best pharmacy technician programs in Wisconsin)

#1. Lakeshore Technical College - Cleveland Village

Lakeshore Technical College offers more than 100 career-focused programs in the Cleveland Village area. Goal of the college is to provide high quality hands on training to students at an affordable cost. To help students achieve their goal of becoming a pharmacy technician Lakeshore offers a 30-week technical diploma in Pharmacy Technology. It is a two-term program that starts in January and August every year. You will have to attended classes during the day, Monday to Friday. You will take courses which will include subjects like medical terms, reading prescriptions, medical insurance, pharmaceutical calculations, pharmacy law and pharmacy parenteral admixtures.

Accreditation: ASHP
Program Type: Technical Diploma
Program Length: 30 Weeks

#2. UW Health - Madison

UW Health located in Madison, Wisconsin is the integrated health system of the University of Wisconsin. UW Health offers an 18-week pharmacy technician training program. The program has 3 start dates every year. The main goal of the program is to prepare students with the right skills and knowledge to start working as a pharmacy technician. The program involves classroom lectures, lab work and real-world training. You should be 18 years old and possess a high school diploma to apply for this program.

Accreditation: ASHP
Program Type: Diploma
Program Length: 18 Weeks

#3. Chippewa Valley Technical College - Eau Claire

Chippewa Valley Technical College offers 90 diploma and associate degree programs in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Within 6 months of graduation, 94% of CVTC graduates are employed. To fulfill your aspiration of becoming a pharmacy technician CVTC offers a 1-year diploma in Pharmacy Technology. The program starts in August of every year. In this program you will learn to fill prescription orders, calculate dosages, labeling drugs, drug compounding and dose conversions. Hands on learning is part of the program to help you gain real time experience.

Accreditation: ASHP
Program Type: Diploma
Program Length: One Year

#4. Milwaukee Area Technical College - Downtown Milwaukee

Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) is a public two-year technical college offering affordable educational programs in more than 200 areas of study. If you aspire to become a pharmacy technician, MATC offers a 16-Week diploma program in pharmacy technology. The program has two start dates one in August and the other in January. The program does not have a wait list and you can get admitted though a petition process. At the end of the program you would have gained the skills and knowledge to work under a pharmacist in a pharmacy at a retail or hospital setting.

Accreditation: ASHP
Program Type: Diploma
Program Length: 16 Weeks

#5. Gateway Technical College - Burlington Center

Gateway Technical College provides a strong educational foundation coupled with real world training to ensure its students are ready to start work immediately after graduating. The college offers programs in more than 65 areas of study. Gateway Technical at its Burlington Center offers a 30-week pharmacy technician technical diploma. This program will prepare you for an entry level job in the pharmacy sector. You will be able to prepare prescriptions, mix medications, mange inventory and label the drugs. The diploma program will prepare you for a rewarding, demanding and ever-evolving career as a pharmacy technician. Pharmacy technicians perform a variety of duties and responsibilities including preparation of prescriptions, record-keeping, inventory control, handling monetary transactions, filing third-party claims, preparing IV admixtures and unit dose medications and compounding. You will work at 2 separate externship sites for about 160 hours to gain the much-needed experience which will let you excel at work.

Accreditation: ASHP
Program Type: Diploma
Program Length: 30 Weeks

What are the Requirements to Work as a Pharmacy Technician in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin does not regulate its pharmacy technicians. The Wisconsin Board of Pharmacy does not require you to apply for a license to work as a pharmacy technician in the state.

Registration/Licensure RequiredNo
Training Required No
Certification Required No
Pharmacy Technician to Pharmacist Ratio4 to 1
Continuing Education Required No
Certification Maintenance Required No

Education: Wisconsin does not have any training requirements. It is one of the most laid back states as far as regulating its pharmacy technicians is concerned. All you require is a high school diploma or GED to start work. However, experts’ advice you to complete a pharmacy technician program from an ASHP accredited school. As a pharmacy technician you will be dealing with potent medications, so it gets vital to get some training before you start work. There are 9 pharmacy technician schools in Wisconsin. Getting yourself enrolled in any of the top schools will better your job prospects and even fetch you a higher salary.

Certification: Certification is not a mandate in the state. Nonetheless getting yourself certified will elbow out completion in the job market. PTCB and ExCPT are the approved certifications in the state. There are currently 5,521 PTCB certified pharmacy technicians in the state.

Licensure: Wisconsin does not have any licensure requirements.

Factors to Keep in Mind While Selecting a Pharmacy Technician Program

If you plan to pursue your pharmacy technician education, there are some factors which you should consider before zeroing down on a school

Affordability: Looking into the tuition cost of a program is one of the most important factors. Affordability should come without compromising on the quality of education. Inquire about the inclusive and exclusive costs and if there are any hidden costs attached. Further on, fill in the FAFSA and apply for financial aid.

Program Length: Pharmacy technician programs vary by duration and coursework. While a Certificate/Diploma is of 9 to 10 month duration, its curriculum will not be as comprehensive. An Associate on the other hand will be a 2 year program having an intensive curriculum. Depending on your career goals, decide on a program which best suits you.

Accreditation: Consider a pharmacy technician program that is ASHP accredited. Out of the 9 pharmacy technician schools in Wisconsin, 5 are ASHP accredited.

Average Salary of a Pharmacy Technician in Wisconsin

The employment prospects for a pharmacy technician in Wisconsin seem to be promising. The BLS projects a growth rate of 7.89% through a 10 year period of 2020 to 2030. With 680 annual job openings you can expect to earn an average salary of $37,080. Walgreens, Shopko, CVS Health Retail, Aurora Health Care, Roundy's, SSM Health, Gundersen Health System,Ministry Health Care, Ascension, ThedaCare, Froedert and ProHealth Care are prominent pharmacy technician employers in the state.

Pharmacy Technicians Currently Working in WI 10 Year Job GrowthAnnual Vacancies Average Starting Salary Average Annual Salary
20202030% Growth

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