2024 Pharmacist Salary in Idaho

Idaho, nicknamed as Gem State, pays an average annual salary of $122,420 to the pharmacists working across the state. Based on your experience, your salary can vary from $77,940 to $153,480 per annum, registering salary growth of over 5.51% in last five years. Whether, retail pharmacies, hospitals or department stores, all healthcare industries in Idaho pay far or less the same salaries. However city wise, Boise City pays around $14,750 more than that by Pocatello. BLS projects over 20 annual job vacancies for aspiring pharmacists, adding over 190 pharmacists by 2030.

Average Salary of Pharmacist in Idaho

On an average, part time pharmacists in Idaho makes $58.86 per hour, whereas, full time pharmacists earn $122,420 annually. If you are aspiring to work as a pharmacist in Idaho, you can expect a consistent growth in your salary for many years to come.

Type Average Salary
Hourly Wage $58.86
Monthly Salary $10,200
Annual Salary $122,420

Pharmacist Salary by Experience in ID

If you are an entry level pharmacist, you can expect to earn $77,940 per year in Idaho. If you have an experience of 5-9 years, you can make up to $127,940 annually whereas with 20+ years of experience, you can bring home $153,480 every year. Part time pharmacists in Idaho start with $37.47 per hour which rises to $61.51 per hour after an experience of 5 years, to ultimately reaching $73.79 of hourly remuneration with 20+ years of experience.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Less than 1 year (Starting)$37.47 $77,940
1-4 years$58.47 $121,620
5-9 years$61.51 $127,940
10-19 years$63.02 $131,080
20 years or more$73.79 $153,480

Salary Growth (2017-2021)

From 2017 to 2021, there has been consistent positive growth in the salaries of Pharmacists all across the state of Idaho. In 2017, pharmacists’ average annual salary was $119,790 which rose to 3.24% in 2017, marking at $119,790 annually. In 2018 and 2020 salaries growth at 1.79% and 0.35% respectively.

Year Average Annual Salary Growth
2017$119,790 3.24%

Employment Growth (2017-2021)

In last five years, the employment of pharmacists in Idaho was not as consistent as the growth in their salaries. In 2017 the employment growth remains negative at 2.78%. But in 2019, a whopping growth of 13.48% was recorded, whereas in 2021 it dropped to - 8.67% rate. Overall, Idaho represented employment excellent growth of pharmacists at nearly 9.72% in last five years.

Year Employment Growth

Industry Wise Income and Employment (2021)

There’s not much of a difference in the salaries of pharmacists across all healthcare sectors in ID. In all industries, pharmacists are paid between $115,490 and $146,790 annually. Retail pharmacies in Idaho employ the largest number of 640 pharmacists whereas Outpatient Care Centers have only 40 pharmacists.

Industry Employment Hourly Salary Annual Salary
Retail Pharmacies640$55.52 $115,490
Hospitals410$62.26 $129,510
Grocery Stores120$56.26 $117,020
Other General Merchandise Stores100$61.73 $128,400
Outpatient Care Centers40$70.57 $146,790

Idaho Metro Wise - Salary and Employment (2021)

In metro areas of Idaho, Boise hires the largest number of 680 pharmacists at an average annual salary of $123,020 which is the highest paid by any cities in Idaho. Twin Falls pays the highest annual salary of $128,150 to around 110 pharmacists. The lowest salary in the state is paid by Pocatello. As a part- time pharmacists, you can earn the best hourly rate at $61.61 in Twin Falls and the lowest at $52.05 in Pocatello.

AREA_TITLE Employment Hourly Annual Starting Salary Experienced Salary
Boise City 680 $59.14 $123,020 $79,410 $160,730
Idaho Falls 160 $59.10 $122,930 $99,510 $153,480
Coeur d'Alene 150 $58.83 $122,360 $48,730 $158,210
Pocatello 110 $52.05 $108,270 $45,580 $153,070
Twin Falls 110 $61.61 $128,150 $99,510 $152,950
Lewiston 80 $59.03 $122,780 $90,710 $153,480

Pharmacist Employment Outlook in ID (2020-2030)

In order to serve a population of nearly 1.8 million, Idaho is committed to hire pharmacists at 12.50% which is 10.15% more than that of national average at 2.35%, as per BLS estimated for the year 2030. Every year, 20 aspiring pharmacists can get a job in Idaho. If you are seeking a pharmacist’s job in ID, you can submit your job application to the leading healthcare companies like Walgreens, Syneos Health Commercial Solutions, Kmart Corporation and many others, and secure your career.

2020 Employment 2030 EmploymentPercent ChangeProjected Annual Job Openings
United States323,500331,1002.35%13,600

Pharmacist Idaho VS Pharmacist National

Pharmacists in Idaho earn an average annual salary of $122,420 which is -2.60% lower than the national average. Part time pharmacists in ID make an average hourly remuneration of $58.86 against the national average at $60.43 per hour.

TypeIdaho SalaryUS SalaryDifference% Difference
Hourly Wage$58.86 $60.43 -1.57-2.60%
Monthly Salary$10,200 $10,470 -270-2.58%
Annual Salary $122,420 $125,690 -3,270-2.60%

National Figures

  • Pharmacy Tech Salary in 2024
  • Pharmacist Salary in 2024