2024 Pharmacist Salary in South Carolina

On an average, South Carolina pharmacist salary is $116,080 per annum which is lower than the national average. Based on your working experience, you can begin your pharmacist career in South Carolina with $46,830 per annum which can jump to $161,020, annually after an experience of 20 years or more. Depending on your work location in SC, you can earn the highest annual salary in Charleston-North Charleston. All healthcare industries that employ pharmacists in South Carolina, pay almost similar salaries, with a difference of hardly $3,000 per annum. BLS expects up to 260 job openings for aspiring pharmacists every year all across the state of South Carolina.

Average Salary of Pharmacist in South Carolina

If you are aspiring to become a pharmacist and work in South Carolina, you can earn an average annual salary of $116,080 and if you want to work as a part time pharmacist, you can make an hourly remuneration of $55.81. Pharmacists’ average salary in SC is nearly 7.65% lower than the national average.

Type Average Salary
Hourly Wage $55.81
Monthly Salary $9,670
Annual Salary $116,080

Pharmacist Salary by Experience in SC

Being a pharmacist working in South Carolina, you can expect to earn up to $161,020 or more provided that you back yourself with a working experience of 20+ years. Yep! ‘Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.’ As an entry level pharmacist, you can fetch only $46,830 annually which will gradually rise to $100,170 within first five years of experience. 5-9 years and 10-19 years of working experience as a pharmacist in SC will get you an annual income of $126,950 and $132,980 respectively.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Less than 1 year (Starting)$22.51$46,830
1-4 years$48.16 $100,170
5-9 years$61.03 $126,950
10-19 years$63.93 $132,980
20 years or more$77.41 $161,020

Salary Growth (2017-2021)

Representing negative salary growth of 5.39%, South Carolina consistently has shown negative growth in last two years, adding nearly $6,610 more to the salaries of SC pharmacists. From 2017 to 2021, every alternative year, there was a decent hike in the annual salary of the pharmacists in South Carolina – in 2017 pharmacists’ salary grew at 0.47%, down to negative 0.30% in 2018, which again fell to negative 0.33% in 2019. In the last year 2021, the average annual salary of pharmacists was $116,080, marking a negative growth of 2.53%.

Year Average Annual Salary Growth
2017$123,270 0.47%

Employment Growth (2017-2021)

Pharmacists’ employment numbers in South Carolina are a bit disappointing. The state is continuously cutting off the jobs of pharmacists owing to the adoption of automation in pharmaceutical sector. In last five years, South Carolina terminated 11.25% of its pharmacists, losing 540 pharmacists from across the state.

Year Employment Growth

Industry Wise Income and Employment (2021)

South Carolina Outpatient Care Centers pay the highest annual salary among all pharmaceutical industries and Retail Pharmacies pay the lowest, however there’s merely a difference of $29,690. Retail pharmacies in the state of South Carolina employ the largest number of 2,150 pharmacists whereas SC hospitals employ over 1,390 pharmacists at an average annual salary of $122,800.

Industry Employment Hourly Salary Annual Salary
Retail Pharmacies2,150$52.65 $109,500
Hospitals1,390$59.04 $122,800
Grocery Stores410$53.34 $110,960
Other General Merchandise Stores330$58.53 $121,750
Outpatient Care Centers120$66.92 $139,190

South Carolina Metro Wise - Salary and Employment (2021)

The salary paid by different South Carolina cities varies from $110,350 to $116,560 per annum. If you want to fetch the best annual salary, you should consider working as a pharmacist in Charleston-North Charleston and Spartanburg or Sumter also pays the highest salary to entry level pharmacists. As far as employment is concerned, Charleston-North Charleston employs the largest number of 1,160 pharmacists, whereas Sumter employs the least number of 90 pharmacists.

AREA_TITLE Employment Hourly Annual Starting Salary Experienced Salary
Charleston-North Charleston 1,160 $58.54 $121,760 $47,760 $165,470
Columbia 990 $53.05 $110,350 $37,640 $153,480
Greenville-Anderson-Mauldin 920 $55.85 $116,180 $48,730 $162,190
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach 390 $56.88 $118,320 $46,870 $162,440
Spartanburg 370 $57.98 $120,600 $48,530 $166,520
Florence 280 $56.04 $116,560 $44,150 $162,440
Hilton Head Island-Bluffton-Beaufort 160 $53.96 $112,240 $47,890 $138,290
Sumter 90 $54.86 $114,100 $48,990 $152,380

Pharmacist Employment Outlook in SC (2020-2030)

Due to excessive cutting down of the pharmacist positions in last five years, South Carolina is hopeful to change employment growth to positive in the coming years, estimating around 260 job opening every year until 2030, it will register a growth rate of 1.17% in negative in next eight years. As South Carolina says, ‘While I breathe, I hope.’ To turn this employment growth in to positive, prominent pharmaceutical companies like Walgreens, Novant, Aiken Reginal Medical Centers and many others will employ aspiring pharmacists all across the state of South Carolina.

2020 Employment 2030 EmploymentPercent ChangeProjected Annual Job Openings
South Carolina5,4605,8907.88%260
United States323,500331,1002.35%13,600

Pharmacist South Carolina VS Pharmacist National

The national average salary of pharmacists is 7.65% lower than the average annual salary of the pharmacists working in South Carolina. SC pharmacists earn an average annual income of $116,080 as against the national average at $125,690.

TypeSouth Carolina SalaryUS SalaryDifference% Difference
Hourly Wage$57.25 $60.32 -3.06-5.08%
Monthly Salary$9,920 $10,460 -540-5.16%
Annual Salary $119,090 $125,460-6,370-5.08%

National Figures

  • Pharmacy Tech Salary in 2024
  • Pharmacist Salary in 2024