2025 Pharmacist Salary in Oklahoma
Pharmacist salary in Oklahoma is decided by evaluating your individual qualification, education, capabilities, working experience and your job location and working industry in Oklahoma. Currently Oklahoma pharmacists earn an average annual salary of $116,450 which showed a growth of over 3.67% in last five years. Outpatient Care Centers in Oklahoma pay around $28,310 per annum more than that compared to the salary of pharmacists working at Grocery Stores in OK. Concerning your work location, Lawton pays the lowest salaries to pharmacists; amongst all cities in Oklahoma, whereas you can earn the highest annual salary in Tulsa. BLS estimated around 180 job openings every year for the budding pharmacists in the state.
Average Salary of Pharmacist in Oklahoma
Pharmacists in Oklahoma earn an average income of $116,450 per annum which is 7.35% lower than the national average. Part time pharmacists in OK make an average wage of $55.99 per hour against the national average at $60.43.
Type | Average Salary |
Hourly Wage | $55.99 |
Monthly Salary | $9,700 |
Annual Salary | $116,450 |
Pharmacist Salary by Experience in OK
Depending upon your pharmacist experience, your annual income in Oklahoma may vary from $77,770 to $137,390. As an entry level pharmacist, you may start with $77,770 per annum, with 1-4 years of experience, you make it $101,180 annually and with the increased number of experience, Oklahoma will raise your salary significantly. Within 10 years, you can expect to earn $126,420 annually and within 20 years, you can make $129,580 every year. Once you become an experienced pharmacist of 20+ years, you would bring home $137,390 per annum.
Level of Experience | Hourly | Annual |
Less than 1 year (Starting) | $37.39 | $77,770 |
1-4 years | $48.64 | $101,180 |
5-9 years | $60.78 | $126,420 |
10-19 years | $62.30 | $129,580 |
20 years or more | $66.05 | $137,390 |
Salary Growth (2017-2021)
Apart from the last year 2017 and 2021 when the average annual salary growth of pharmacist in Oklahoma was in negative, Oklahoma has shown positive salary growth numbers. In 2020, OK raised the salaries of pharmacists at a rate of 4.21%. The salary average of last five years indicates a negative growth of 3.67%, adding over $4,440 more to the salaries of pharmacists in Oklahoma.
Year | Average Annual Salary | Growth |
2017 | $114,190 | -5.54% |
2018 | $115,000 | 0.71% |
2019 | $116,170 | 1.02% |
2020 | $121,060 | 4.21% |
2021 | $116,450 | -3.81% |
Total | -$4,440 | -3.67% |
Employment Growth (2017-2021)
In 2021, Oklahoma employed pharmacists with a negative growth rate of 1.86%. From 2017 Oklahoma has continuously slashed the positions of pharmacists in last three years. Overall, Oklahoma registered a negative employment growth of -1.86% from 2017 to 2021 owing to the adoption of automation of pharmacies across the state.
Year | Employment | Growth |
2017 | 3,710 | -1.33% |
2018 | 3,470 | -6.47% |
2019 | 3,710 | 6.92% |
2020 | 3,760 | 1.35% |
2021 | 3,690 | -1.86% |
Total | -70 | -1.86% |
Industry Wise Income and Employment (2021)
The annual salary of pharmacists working at Outpatient Care Centers in Oklahoma is $139,630 which is the highest among all industries, whereas the lowest is paid at Retail Pharmacies in OK. In Oklahoma, retail pharmacies employ the largest number of 1,490 pharmacists, hospitals employ 960 and grocery stores employ 290 and general merchandise stores employ 230 pharmacists.
Industry | Employment | Hourly Salary | Annual Salary |
Retail Pharmacies | 1,490 | $52.82 | $109,850 |
Hospitals | 960 | $59.23 | $123,190 |
Grocery Stores | 290 | $53.51 | $111,320 |
Other General Merchandise Stores | 230 | $58.72 | $122,140 |
Outpatient Care Centers | 90 | $67.13 | $139,630 |
Oklahoma Metro Wise - Salary and Employment (2021)
Oklahoma City employs the largest number of 1,600 pharmacists, whereas Tulsa employs the second largest number of 830 pharmacists. However the highest annual salary is paid by Oklahoma City and Tulsa, whereas Lawton pays the lowest salary among all cities. If you are an entry level pharmacist and work in Tulsa, you can get $78,800, whereas working in Lawton, will fetch you only $75,610 annually, which marks a huge difference of $3190.
AREA_TITLE | Employment | Hourly | Annual | Starting Salary | Experienced Salary |
Oklahoma City | 1,600 | $56.11 | $116,700 | $77,940 | $136,390 |
Tulsa | 830 | $57.95 | $120,540 | $78,800 | $139,670 |
Lawton | 100 | $54.45 | $113,260 | $75,610 | $136,390 |
Enid | 50 | $57.48 | $119,550 | $78,780 | $133,270 |
Pharmacist Employment Outlook in OK (2020-2030)
As the pharmaceutical sector in Oklahoma is actively embracing automation of pharmacies, Oklahoma has cut down the position of pharmacists in last three years; however BLS estimated that the state will open over 180 job vacancies for aspiring pharmacists every year until 2030, representing a growth of 6.00% (keeping 2020 as our base year). The top recruiters of pharmacists in Oklahoma would be Walmart, Walgreens, University of Oklahoma, Guardian Pharmacy and many others. Oklahoma will provide fair opportunities for the aspiring pharmacists to establish their career in the state.
2020 Employment | 2030 Employment | Percent Change | Projected Annual Job Openings | |
Oklahoma | 4,000 | 4,240 | 6.00% | 180 |
United States | 323,500 | 331,100 | 2.35% | 13,600 |
Pharmacist Oklahoma VS Pharmacist National
Oklahoma pharmacists fetch $55.99 per hour or $9,700 per month or $116,450 per year which is over 7.35% lower than the national average. The annual salaries mark a difference of -9,240.
Type | Oklahoma Salary | US Salary | Difference | % Difference |
Hourly Wage | $55.99 | $60.43 | -4.44 | -7.35% |
Monthly Salary | $9,700 | $10,470 | -770 | -7.35% |
Annual Salary | $116,450 | $125,690 | -9,240 | -7.35% |
National Figures