2024 Pharmacy Technician Salary in Missouri

The average annual pharmacy technician salary in Missouri is $33,920. Per hour, you can expect to earn about $16.31, which is a little below the national average. The annual earnings vary, depending upon a host of factors - your education qualification, the level of experience, location, industry and the size of the company. The average total compensation comprises of the salary, tips, bonus, and overtime pay. Statistics indicate that women make up around 83% of the Pharmacy Technician workforce in St. Louis, Missouri. Missouri offers ample job opportunities at - St. Lois, Jefferson City, Kansas City, Ozark and Earth City. The range and scope of a pharmacy technician has continued to expand in the state, given that, their value is not restricted only to pharmacies, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies, but also to health insurance companies as well as pharmaceutical wholesalers.

Pharmacy Technician Average Salary in Missouri

On an average a pharmacy technician's salary in Missouri is $33,920, which is lower than the national average. Part-timers can expect to earn an hourly wage of $16.31.

Type Average Salary
Hourly Wage $16.31
Monthly Salary $2,830
Annual Salary $33,920

Pharmacy Technician Salary by Experience in MO

Entry level pharmacy technicians can expect to earn $26,330 annually; then eventually move up to $28,820 after the first year. Those with mid-career experience which includes 5 to 9 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $32,050. With 20 years of experience, you will make $46,170 per year. Statistics show that the percentage jump for a pharmacy tech who has been employed for 1 to 4 years compared to one who is starting out is 9.4%. Keeping the entry-level as our base, the percentage increase in the salaries are 21.7%, 40.4% and 75.53% for 5 to 9 years experience, 10 to 19 years experience and 20 years and more of experience. Graduating from a top pharmacy technician school in the state and excellence at work promise you better salaries.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Less than 1 year (Starting)$12.66 $26,330
1-4 years$13.86 $28,820
5-9 years$15.41 $32,050
10-19 years$17.78 $36,980
20 years or more$22.20 $46,170

Total Number of PTCB Certified Pharmacy Techs in Missouri: 4,464

In Missouri certification is not a requirement as such; however those pharmacy techs that are certified are earning salaries better than the non-certified ones. As of December 2021, there were 4,464 PTCB certified pharmacy technicians working in Missouri.

Salary Growth (2017-2021)

In Missouri, a pharmacy technician's salary has grown at a rate of 15.30% in a span of 5 years, starting from 2017 to 2021. The hike has been notably high from 2017 to 2018 at a rate of 4.04% and 4.84%. The earlier 4 years, From 2013 to 2016 in particular, have not seen much of a growth, with salaries going up by less than a $1000.

Year Annual Salary Growth
2018$32,090 4.84%
2019$32,790 2.18%
2020$33,670 2.68%
2021$33,920 0.74%

Employment Growth (2017-2021)

In Missouri, the demand for pharmacy technicians has been pretty much inconsistent. From 2016 to 2017 the demand for pharmacy technicians has been the highest, at 6.54%. The following year has seen a decrease in the employment rate of pharmacy technicians in the state. The good news is that from 2018 to 2019, the state has revived back its demand for pharmacy technicians by witnessing a positive growth rate of 1.22%.

Year Employment Growth

Industry Wise Salary and Employment (2021)

Pharmacy technicians in Missouri primarily work for independent pharmacies or pharmaceutical departments of drug stores, such as CVS or Walgreens, as well as at hospitals or clinics which dispense medication directly to patients. Health and personal care stores such as - Walgreens, Woods Supermarket, and CVS provide employment to 5,030 pharmacy technicians paying them approximately $31,470 annually. The next big recruiters are medical and surgical hospitals, providing employment to 1,550 technicians. In Missouri, you can also apply to a host of hospitals - St. Luke's Hospitals, Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Select Specialty Hospital and Golden Valley Memorial Hospital, amongst a multitude of others.

Industry Employment Hourly Salary Annual Salary
Retail Pharmacies5,030$15.14 $31,470
Hospitals1,550$18.60 $38,670
Grocery Stores970$14.74 $30,640
Other General Merchandise Stores900$16.89 $35,130
Department Stores360$16.74 $34,800

Missouri City Wise Salary and Employment (2021)

The place to work in Missouri as a pharmacy technician is St. Louis, as the city provides a large number of employment opportunities and pays the highest salaries. St. Louis employs 4,810 pharmacy technicians and pays a high salary of $35,240. A pharmacy technician working in Jefferson City gets paid the lowest, with a salary of $30,990, annually.

Area Name Employment Hourly Annual Starting Salary Experienced Salary
St. Louis 4,810 $16.94 $35,240 $28,980 $46,200
Kansas City 3,400 $17.96 $37,360 $28,990 $46,640
Springfield 840 $15.73 $32,720 $23,450 $44,410
Columbia 440 $16.05 $33,370 $26,630 $44,990
Jefferson City 300 $14.90 $30,990 $26,330 $37,320
Joplin 290 $15.73 $32,720 $26,490 $42,370
Cape Girardeau 220 $15.66 $32,570 $27,090 $42,780
St. Joseph 170 $16.00 $33,280 $28,790 $39,010

Pharmacy Tech Job Outlook in MO (2020-2030)

The career of pharmacy technology is time and again ranked amongst the top 100 growing occupations in Missouri. Employment and career advancement for pharmacy technicians has a brilliant outlook. With a population of 6 million the state had 10,200 employed pharmacy technicians in 2020; this number is projected to move up to 10,610 by 2030, i.e. an annual increase of 770 new jobs. Missouri sees a 4.02% leap in employment during the decade 2020 to 2030. Employers and education programs have expanded the roles and responsibilities of a pharmacy technician; consequently, the societal role of the pharmacy technician continues to grow. The possibilities of pharmacy technicians has continued to expand in the state, given that, their worth is not limited only to pharmacies, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies, but also to health insurance companies as well as pharmaceutical wholesalers. The scope of the pharmacy technician's work within pharmacies has also expanded to incorporate many more advanced functions including high-tech equipment management and maintenance, pharmaceutical compounding, and iMOentory management.

2020 Employment2030 EmploymentPercent ChangeProjected Annual Job Openings
United States447,300469,7005.01%43,500

Pharmacy Technician Missouri VS Pharmacy Technician National

The salary of a pharmacy technician in Missouri is lesser compared to the national average by 10.67%. While the national average is $37,970, a pharmacy technicians' salary in Missouri is $33,920.

TypeMissouri SalaryUS SalaryDifference% Difference
Hourly Wage$16.31 $18.25 -1.95-10.67%
Monthly Salary$2,830 $3,160 -330-10.44%
Annual Salary $33,920 $37,970-4,050-10.67%