2025 Pharmacy Technician Salary in Ohio

The Buckeye State, Ohio considers several factors that can decide your salary as a Pharmacy Technician. From your level of experience to your PTCB Certification, from your job location to your working industry, Ohio takes in to consideration all these aspects and offers an annual salary ranging from $23,250 to $46,460. With over 11,793 PTCB Certified Pharmacy Techs working in Ohio, the cities like Cincinnati, Cleveland-Elyria and Columbus have employed the largest number of Pharmacy Technicians, earning an annual average salary of $34,390. The most number of Pharmacy Technicians work at retail pharmacies in Ohio and make around $31,910 per annum. The salary in Ohio grows at a rate of 19.83%. As per BLS report, Ohio will hire 1,260 Pharmacy Technicians in the state by the year 2030. Besides, to brighten your employment prospects further, complete your pharmacy technician training from a reputed pharmacy technician school in Ohio.

Pharmacy Technician Average Salary in Ohio

Pharmacy Technicians in Ohio earn an average of $34,390 annually. Your salary will depend upon your qualification, experience, job location and employer. If you want to work as a part time Pharmacy Technician, then your hourly remuneration will be $16.53 on an average.

Type Average Salary
Hourly Wage $16.53
Monthly Salary $2,870
Annual Salary $34,390

Pharmacy Technician Salary by Experience in OH

Considering your experience as a Pharmacy Technician, your average annual salary will be $23,250 at the beginning of your career. As you keep gaining experience in this field, your salary will keep on rising. With 1-4 years of experience, you can make $29,030 whereas with 20+ years of experience, you will earn $46,460 per annum. On an average, a Pharmacy Technician’s salary in Ohio is $34,390. Likewise, your hourly wages will also vary from $11.18 (entry level) to $22.34 (20+ years) based on your experience. Apart from the experience, developing the relevant skills required for this job can give your pay package an additional boost.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Less than 1 year (Starting)$11.18$23,250
1-4 years$13.96 $29,030
5-9 years$16.89 $35,140
10-19 years$18.03 $37,510
20 years or more$22.34 $46,460

Total Number of PTCB Certified Pharmacy Techs in Ohio: 11,793

There are around 11,793 PTCB Certified Pharmacy Technicians working in OH. In order to decide your annual salary as a pharmacy technician, Ohio does consider your PTCB Certification.

Ohio Salary Growth (2017-2021)

Ohio offers you a reasonable salary growth every year. The salary of Pharmacy Technicians in OH grew at 19.83% from 2017-2021. In 2017, the average annual salary for Pharmacy Techs was $29,850 which had a growth rate at 4.01% whereas in 2021, the growth rate almost doubled to was 5.75%.

Year Annual Salary Growth
2017$29,850 4.01%
2018$30,500 2.18%
2019$31,360 2.82%
2020$32,520 3.70%
2021$34,390 5.75%

Ohio Employment Growth (2017-2021)

From 2017 to 2021, the number of Pharmacy Techs employed across the state grew at an average rate of 0.18%. During these 5 years, 30 new pharmacy technician jobs were created. In the year 2017, the largest employment growth rate of 23.19% was registered when Ohio hired over 16,810 Pharmacy Technicians.

Year Employment Growth

Industry Wise Salary and Employment (2021)

The employment and salary of Pharmacy Technicians in Ohio varies on the type of industry. The retail pharmacies in OH employ the largest number of 8,140 Pharmacy Techs and pay around $31,910 per annum. On the other hand, Hospitals pay the highest average annual salary of $39,210 and hourly wages of $18.85 to part timers.

Industry Employment Hourly Salary Annual Salary
Retail Pharmacies8,140$15.34 $31,910
Grocery Stores1,560$14.94 $31,070
Other General Merchandise Stores1,450$17.12 $35,610
Department Stores580$16.96 $35,280

Ohio City Wise Salary and Employment (2021)

In Ohio, the pay scales of pharmacy technicians vary as per their demand in each of its cities. The top three highly populated cities in Ohio - Cleveland-Elyria, Cincinnati, and Columbus employ the largest number of 3,320, 3,100 and 2,950 Pharmacy Techs with an average annual salary of $35,880, $34,640 and $36,300 respectively. Columbus offers the highest salary whereas the lowest number of employment and lowest salary is paid in Canton-Massillon.

Area Name Employment Hourly Annual Starting Salary Experienced Salary
Cleveland-Elyria 3,320 $17.25 $35,880 $23,520 $47,570
Cincinnati 3,100 $16.66 $34,640 $22,960 $46,670
Columbus 2,950 $17.45 $36,300 $29,000 $46,850
Dayton 1,240 $17.03 $35,420 $22,980 $46,420
Toledo 960 $16.11 $33,510 $22,830 $45,330
Akron 880 $15.74 $32,740 $23,070 $45,520
Youngstown-Warren-Boardman 760 $15.10 $31,400 $22,850 $37,330
Canton-Massillon 590 $15.32 $31,860 $23,420 $37,490
Lima 160 $16.12 $33,540 $22,660 $44,770
Springfield 160 $15.33 $31,890 $22,660 $37,510
Mansfield 150 $14.96 $31,110 $21,840 $37,330

Pharmacy Tech Job Outlook in OH (2020-2030)

Overall, Ohio offers an excellent opportunity of employment and job security to pharmacy technicians. You can expect up to 1,260 job openings all across the state every year. With employers like Humana, Canton Mercy Medical Center, Dayton Children’s Hospital, Kroger Stores and many others, you can expect 2.46% growth in employment of Pharmacy Technicians all across Ohio, by the year 2030.

2020 Employment2030 EmploymentPercent ChangeProjected Annual Job Openings
United States447,300469,7005.01%43,500

Pharmacy Technician Ohio VS Pharmacy Technician National

Pharmacy Technicians in Ohio earn 9.43% lower annual average salary of $34,390 in comparison with national average salary of $37,970 per annum, the difference being -3,580. Hourly wages also differ 9.43%. Ohio pays $16.53 per hour whereas national average hourly salary is $18.25.

TypeOhio SalaryUS SalaryDifference% Difference
Hourly Wage$16.53 $18.25 -1.72-9.43%
Monthly Salary$2,870 $3,160 -290-9.18%
Annual Salary $34,390 $37,970-3,580-9.43%