2024 Pharmacy Technician Salary in Oklahoma

If you are fully trained to perform the clinical and administrative responsibilities of a pharmacy technician and willing to work in the Land of a Red Man, then a PTCB certification, industry you are working for and job location can determine your annual salary in Oklahoma. Though PTCB certification is always a preferred choice, Oklahoma pharmacy technicians’ salary is annually $8,230 more in hospitals than that in grocery stores and city wise, an entry level pharmacy technician working in Tulsa makes annually $760 more than those working in Enid. According to BLS, OK is expected to employ over 460 pharmacy technicians every year until 2030, representing the estimated employment growth rate of 15.19% which is over 10.18% higher than the national average.

Pharmacy Technician Average Salary in Oklahoma

On an average, Oklahoma pharmacy technician earns $34,750 per annum while working as a full time whereas part time pharmacy technicians make $16.71 per hour. Against the national average at $37,970, pharmacy technicians in OK earn 8.48% lower annual salaries. However, if you factor in PTCB certification and work location & industry in Oklahoma, you may end up making more than the average salary in the state.

Type Average Salary
Hourly Wage $16.71
Monthly Salary $2,900
Annual Salary $34,750

Pharmacy Technician Salary by Experience in OK

As a pharmacy technician working in Oklahoma, you can make $13.43 per hour or $27,930 per annum in the beginning of your career. Oklahoma consistently raises the salaries of pharmacy technicians, making it $29,130 per annum within first five years of working. In 5-9 years of experience, you can expect to earn $30,610, whereas with 10-19 years of experience, you can make $37,180 and then ultimately you can reach the high end salary at $46,620 per annum after an experience of 20 years or more. Moreover, if you complete your pharmacy technician training from any of the schools in OK, you can give a further boost to your salary.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Less than 1 year (Starting)$13.43$27,930
1-4 years$14.00 $29,130
5-9 years$14.72 $30,610
10-19 years$17.88 $37,180
20 years or more$22.41 $46,620

Total Number of PTCB Certified Pharmacy Techs in Oklahoma: 2,139

In Oklahoma, there are over 5,280 pharmacy technicians in service, out of which there are 2,139 PTCB certified pharmacy technicians. PTCB certification is preferred by healthcare employers in OK.

Salary Growth (2017-2021)

From 2017 to 2021, the salary of pharmacy technicians in Oklahoma has grown over 16.30%. A pharmacy technician in OK earned an annual salary of $29,910 in 2017 which rose to $34,750 in 2021, adding over $4,870 more to the annual salaries of pharmacy techs in last five years.

Year Annual Salary Growth
2017$29,910 0.10%
2018$30,790 2.94%
2019$31,940 3.73%
2020$32,900 3.01%
2021$34,750 5.62%

Employment Growth (2017-2021)

In 2014, Oklahoma employed pharmacy technicians at a whopping rate of 12.45%, marking a record employment rate in the last five years. Thereafter, automation of pharmacies and collaboration of pharmaceutical companies has led to cutting down the positions of pharmacy technicians in the state which resulted to negative 6.13% growth rate in 2017, In 2019 the employment growth rate is positive at 2.92%. However, in 2021 there was bigger positive 8.42%growth rate.

Year Employment Growth

Industry Wise Salary and Employment (2021)

The highest annual salary of $39,620 is paid by Oklahoma hospitals, whereas pharmacy technicians who work in grocery stores earn $31,390 per annum. The largest numbers of 2,630 pharmacy technicians are employed at retail pharmacies in Oklahoma and the least number of 190 works in department stores.

Industry Employment Hourly Salary Annual Salary
Retail Pharmacies2,630$15.51 $32,240
Hospitals810$19.05 $39,620
Grocery Stores510$15.10 $31,390
Other General Merchandise Stores470$17.31 $35,990
Department Stores190$17.15 $35,650

Oklahoma City Wise Salary and Employment (2021)

The largest number of 2,050 pharmacy technicians is employed in Oklahoma City, earning an annual salary of $35,430, whereas Lawton pays the highest salary of $35,350 per annum to over 170 pharmacy technicians employed in the city. Tulsa employs 1,270 pharmacy technicians but pays the second lowest annual salary of $35,260. Lawton and Enid mark a difference of $730 to the annual pay scale of the pharmacy technicians working in Oklahoma.

Area Name Employment Hourly Annual Starting Salary Experienced Salary
Oklahoma City 2,050 $17.03 $35,430 $28,820 $46,620
Tulsa 1,270 $16.95 $35,260 $28,850 $47,800
Lawton 170 $16.99 $35,350 $28,120 $47,240
Enid 80 $16.64 $34,620 $28,090 $47,410

Pharmacy Tech Job Outlook in OK (2020-2030)

With the moto, ‘Work conquers all’, Oklahoma is expected to employ pharmacy technicians at a whopping 15.19% until 2030, which is 10% more than the national average. In order to meet this estimated employment growth rate, OK might open 460 job vacancies every year for aspiring pharmacy technicians. The top employers in healthcare sector include Cherokee Nation, Remedi SeniorCare, Guardian Pharmacy and many others are committed to providing qualified pharmacy technicians to the state of Oklahoma.

2020 Employment2030 EmploymentPercent ChangeProjected Annual Job Openings
United States447,300469,7005.01%43,500

Pharmacy Technician Oklahoma VS Pharmacy Technician National

Currently, pharmacy technicians in Oklahoma earn an average annual salary of $34,750 which is over 8.48% lower than the national average at $37,970. Part time pharmacy technicians in OK make $16.71 per hour against the national average at $18.25 per hour.

TypeOklahoma SalaryUS SalaryDifference% Difference
Hourly Wage$16.71 $18.25 -1.55-8.48%
Monthly Salary$2,900 $3,160 -260-8.23%
Annual Salary $34,750 $37,970-3,220-8.48%