2024 Pharmacy Technician Salary in Washington

If you are keen to launch your career as a Pharmacy Technician in Washington, you should know that a pharmacy technician salary in Washington is $46,830, employing around 7,680 pharmacy technicians. With a starting salary of $46,830, health and personal care stores are the biggest pay masters in the state. The employment growth in WA has been 6.96%, from 2017 to 2021 and salaries have increased by 11.05 Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue gives the maximum payment in WA at $48,850. The BLS has approximated an enormous growth of 16.69% through the years 2020 to 2030.

Pharmacy Technician Average Salary in Washington

A pharmacy technician on an average earns an annual salary of $46,830 in Washington, which is substantially higher than the national average salary. Part-timers earn an hourly wage of $22.51. Compared to the national average, WA pays a 23.33% higher salary to its pharmacy technicians.

Type Average Salary
Hourly Wage $22.51
Monthly Salary $3,900
Annual Salary $46,830

Pharmacy Technician Salary by Experience in WA

Pharmacy techs in WA earn an average income of $46,830 per year; it is the second highest paying state in the country. The starting salary is $36,590 annually; you can then attain a rise to $38,660 in 1-4 years. By 5-9 years the income could well increase to $46,690 annually and in about 10-19 years you would be earning $49,140. 20 years of experience promises you a salary of $59,540 annually.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Less than 1 year (Starting) $17.59 $36,590
1-4 years $18.59 $38,660
5-9 years $22.45 $46,690
10-19 years $23.63 $49,140
20 years or more $28.63 $59,540

Total Number of PTCB Certified Pharmacy Techs in Washington: 5,251

Certification is a requirement to work as a pharmacy technician in Washington. There are 5,251 PTCB certified pharmacy technicians working in Washington.

Salary Growth (2017-2021)

With an average annual salary of $46,830 in 2021, WA has seen a 11.05% growth from 2017, when the average income of a pharmacy technician was $42,440. The expansion in salary is most definitely heartening and the cause is an increasing demand of pharmacy technicians in the state.

Year Average Annual Salary Growth
2017 $42,440 0.64%
2018 $42,470 0.07%
2019 $43,910 3.39%
2020 $46,400 5.67%
2021 $46,830 0.93%
Total $4,660 11.05%

Employment Growth (2017-2021)

There has been a growth rate of 6.96% from 2017 to 2021. The population of WA is 7.7 million; the medical requirements of the state are ever rising, thus generating a huge need for pharmacy technicians.

Year Employment Growth
2017 7,320 1.95%
2018 7,330 0.14%
2019 7,590 3.55%
2020 7,740 1.98%
2021 7,680 -0.78%
Total 500 6.96%

Industry Wise Salary and Employment (2021)

Retail pharmacy stores recruit the maximum number of pharmacy technicians, currently 3,830 pharmacy technicians work in these pharmacies, earning an average salary of $43,450 per year. Department stores employ the lowest number of pharmacy techs; about 270 and they earn an average pay packet of $48,040.

Industry Employment Hourly Salary Annual Salary
Retail Pharmacies 3,830 $20.90 $43,450
Hospitals 1,180 $25.68 $53,390
Grocery Stores 730 $20.35 $42,300
Other General Merchandise Stores 680 $23.32 $48,500
Department Stores 270 $23.11 $48,040

Washington City Wise Salary and Employment (2021)

Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue employs the maximum number of pharmacy techs in the state - 4,290, paying an annual salary of $48,850. Coming in Spokane-Spokane Valley, employing 670 pharmacy technicians and paying an average remuneration of $43,960 yearly. Olympia-Tumwater employs 280 pharmacy technicians and pays $47,490 annually; the highest in the state.

Area Name Employment Hourly Annual Starting Salary Experienced Salary
Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue 4,290 $23.49 $48,850 $37,070 $60,210
Spokane-Spokane Valley 670 $21.14 $43,960 $36,070 $58,640
Olympia-Tumwater 280 $22.83 $47,490 $36,880 $60,650
Kennewick-Richland 230 $20.55 $42,740 $35,810 $47,480
Bremerton-Silverdale 220 $21.67 $45,070 $36,290 $57,180
Yakima 220 $20.18 $41,970 $30,250 $47,110
Bellingham 200 $21.41 $44,530 $36,240 $55,170
Wenatchee 140 $20.93 $43,520 $35,520 $47,440
Mount Vernon-Anacortes 120 $21.80 $45,350 $36,360 $58,720
Longview 100 $22.06 $45,890 $36,100 $60,000
Walla Walla 60 $21.07 $43,830 $30,510 $50,320

Pharmacy Tech Job Outlook in WA (2020-2030)

As of 2020, there are 8,090 pharmacy technicians employed in WA and the number of PTCB CPhTs in WA is 5,251; these numbers have been projected to rise by 16.69% by the year 2030. With some of the biggest employers of pharmacy technicians as well as 7 ASHP accredited schools offering Pharmacy Technician training programs, Washington is a highly advantageous state for you to work as a pharmacy tech. Annually 890 job openings are created in WA, which is significantly more than the national employment growth rate.

2020 Employment2030 EmploymentPercent ChangeProjected Annual Job Openings
United States447,300469,7005.01%43,500

Pharmacy Technician Washington VS Pharmacy Technician National

Pharmacy technicians in WA earn a staggering 23.33% higher remuneration then the national average. While the national average annual salary is $37,970, in WA a pharmacy technician on an average gets paid $46,830.

TypeWashington SalaryUS SalaryDifference% Difference
Hourly Wage$22.51$18.25 4.2623.33%
Monthly Salary$3,900 $3,160 74023.42%
Annual Salary $46,830 $37,9708,86023.33%