2024 Pharmacy Technician Salary in Nevada

Officially nicknamed as the Silver State, Nevada offers golden opportunities to aspiring pharmacy technicians. According to U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, NV will employ 430 new pharmacy technicians every year until 2030, at an estimated employment growth rate of 23.81%. A pharmacy technician's average salary in Nevada is $39,850 per annum, which is 4.95% higher than the national average. If you are an entry level pharmacy technician and willing to work in Nevada, then your starting salary may vary from $29,230 to $29,650 - depending upon your job location and qualification. Carson City pays the highest starting salary and PTCB certified pharmacy technicians earn a higher salary compared to their non-certified counterparts. If you are keen to thrive in your career as a pharmacy technician, it is suggested you pursue your pharmacy technician training from any of the ASHP Accredited Pharmacy Technician Schools in Nevada.

Pharmacy Technician Average Salary in Nevada

While, the average hourly wage for a part time pharmacy technician in Nevada is $19.16, the average annual salary for full time is $39,850. Your experience, expertise and job location are the key factors that may influence your hourly or annual income.

Type Average Salary
Hourly Wage $19.16
Monthly Salary $3,320
Annual Salary $39,850

Pharmacy Technician Salary by Experience in NV

In a working span of 20 years or more, pharmacy technicians in Nevada earn an average annual salary of $39,850. If you begin your career as a pharmacy technician in NV, your initial income could be around $29,230 annually or $14.05 per hour, if you chose to work part time. As and when you gain working experience as a pharmacy technician, your salary will increase substantially. After an experience of 5-9 years, you can make $37,190 per annum and after 20+ years of working experience, you may bring home $47,130 annually.

Level of Experience Hourly Annual
Less than 1 year (Starting)$14.05 $29,230
1-4 years$17.61 $36,630
5-9 years$17.88 $37,190
10-19 years$22.18 $46,140
20 years or more$22.66 $47,130
Average Salary$19.16$39,850

Total Number of PTCB Certified Pharmacy Techs in Nevada: 2,481

Statistics indicate that PTCB certified pharmacy techs in Nevada earn a better salary than non-certified ones. As of now, there are over 2,481 PTCB certified pharmacy technicians all across the state.

Salary Growth (2017-2021)

In 2013 and 2014, the annual salary of pharmacy technicians witnessed a negative growth rate, but in 2015, it turned marginally positive and picked up pace from Nevada has always shown positive salary growth numbers in last five years. In 2017, registering a handsome salary growth rate of 3.01% - marking an annual salary at $36,570. In 2021, the salary growth rate was at 1.17% at $39,850 per annum. Overall, Nevada pharmacy technicians' salary grew at an average of 12.25% in last five years.

Year Annual Salary Growth
2018$37,620 2.87%
2019$38,150 1.41%
2020$39,390 3.25%
2021$39,850 1.17%

Employment Growth (2017-2021)

Nevada gives you an incredible opportunity to establish your career as a pharmacy technician. In last five years, pharmacy technicians in Nevada were employed at an exceptional growth rate of 31.66%. A total of over 4,210 pharmacy technicians were employed in 2020, registering positive growth rate of 12.27% in that year. The employment numbers are expected to grow larger in the coming years.

Year Employment Growth

Industry Wise Salary and Employment (2021)

As a pharmacy technician if you work in Nevada hospitals, you are likely to earn the highest salary of $45,430 annually, whereas if you work in Grocery Stores, you might make only $36,000 per annum. It is certain that your salary will be impacted, based on your place of work. Currently, Retail Pharmacies in Nevada employ the largest number of pharmacy technicians, at 2,220, whereas Department stores employ only 160 pharmacy technicians.

Industry Employment Hourly Salary Annual Salary
Retail Pharmacies2,220$17.78 $36,970
Hospitals680$21.85 $45,430
Grocery Stores430$17.31 $36,000
Other General Merchandise Stores400$19.84 $41,270
Department Stores160$19.66 $40,880

Nevada City Wise Salary and Employment (2021)

The average annual salary in Nevada cities does not vary excessively. Pharmacy technicians working in Carson City make $41,540, in Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise, they make $39,920, and in Reno, their salary is $40,240 annually which is hardly a difference of $2,680. However for the entry level pharmacy technicians, the starting salary can vary up to $420 annually. Carson City pays the highest starting salary of $29,650, whereas Reno pays $29,340 per year. Just be prudent while deciding on the city you want to start your career with.

Area Name Employment Hourly Annual Starting Salary Experienced Salary
Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise3,410$19.19$39,920$29,230$47,130
Carson City70$19.97$41,540$29,650$58,120

Pharmacy Tech Job Outlook in NV (2020-2030)

Jobs for pharmacy techs in NV are expected to grow at a rate of 23.81%, which is 18.8% higher than the national average at 5.01%. There might be 430 job openings every year until 2030. It is mainly due to the growing population and necessity to meet their medical requirements. In next eight years, Nevada is expected to have around 5,200 pharmacy techs all across the state. Southern Nevada Health District, UNLV Medicine, Renown Health and others are expected to be the top recruiters of pharmacy technicians in NV.

2020 Employment2030 EmploymentPercent ChangeProjected Annual Job Openings
United States447,300469,7005.01%43,500

Pharmacy Technician Nevada VS Pharmacy Technician National

Pharmacy technician in Nevada earns an average annual salary of $39,850 which is 4.95% higher than the national average. Hourly wage for the part timers is $19.16 in Nevada whereas national hourly remuneration for the same is $18.25.

TypeNevada SalaryUS SalaryDifference% Difference
Hourly Wage$19.16$18.25 0.904.95%
Monthly Salary$3,320 $3,160 1605.06%
Annual Salary $39,850 $37,9701,8804.95%